Wellbutrin for gambling

Wellbutrin for gambling

Bupropion Versus Naltrexone in the Treatment of Pathological Gambling in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. Here's a buproprion (Wellbutrin, Zyban) monograph. It's also used for nicotine addiction, OCD, depression and more.

- More Resources For A-level Students
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- The Special Issue Spotter
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- The Special Issue Spotter
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- Pharmacological Misinformation Foisted On Unsuspecting Public
An article from January is making the rounds again. One in nextgov's exposé-like series on America's Broken Warriors, it highlighted the fact that 20% of U.S. active duty troops are on psychotropic medications. While this may not be a good thing,...

- Starting Work On My New Book
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