Welcome Darnarian

We couldn't stay a one-cat house for long, so last week, we adopted Darnarian McCats. (no relation to, but name inspired by, the Eagles' wide receiver Darnerien McCants).
We think he's mighty cute, if a wee bit stinky.
I've been reading Linda P. Case's textbook the Cat: its behavior, nutrition & health which has *lovely* illustrations of various cat behaviors. It's introductory level an is a useful primer on aspects of cat behavior -- and there is a handy (current) bibliography and list of references.
I also recommend Stephen Budiansky's The character of cats : the origins, intelligence, behavior, and stratagems of Felis silvestris catus.
But back to Darnarian. Favorite food? Any. Favorite beverage? Water. Favorite water source? Toss up between the toilet and the tub. Favorite activity? Galloping. Favorite game? mousie soccer. Age? roughly 12 months, give or take.
(eta: photo of sister Emma, who is not included anywhere in this blog. apologies & crunchies to her for the oversight)
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Interspecies Communication?!
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