Upcoming Event: National Academy of Neuropsychology (16-19 Nov 2011, Florida)

Upcoming Event: National Academy of Neuropsychology (16-19 Nov 2011, Florida)

Here is the conference homepage to the National Academy of Neuropsychology's (NAN) annual conference, taking place this week in Florida:

Conference Homepage

- The 5th Ins/assbi Pacific Rim Conference Underway
The 5th INS/ASSBI Pacific Rim Neuropsychology Conference is underway. Here is the conference homepage. Follow the action on Twitter at the hashtag #insassbi2015....

- Upcoming Event: 9th Annual Mild Cognitive Impairment Symposium (april 2011, Miami Beach)
The 9th Annual Mild Cognitive Impairment Symposium will take place in late April in Miami Beach, Florida. The theme of the meeting is "New Criteria for Prodromal and Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease" The website for the conference can be found at:...

- Upcoming Event: American Academy Of Neurology Conference (10-17 April 2010, Toronto)
The annual conference of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) takes place from the 10th to the17th of April 2010, in Toronto. Conference homepage...

- Upcoming Event: Nyc, 22-25 October 2008
The annual meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN) occurs next month in midtown Manhattan. Here is the conference's webpage: Link...

- Upcoming Event: Seattle, November 2004
The 24th Annual Conference of the National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN) will be held in Seattle, Washington from the 17th of November through the 20th. The conference will take place at the Westin Seattle. Information about the conference program...

