Upcoming Event: Mobile Healthcare Conference (London, 01-02 Dec 2009)

Upcoming Event: Mobile Healthcare Conference (London, 01-02 Dec 2009)

The Mobile Healthcare Industry Summit takes place this 1st and 2nd of December at the Thistle Marble Arch Hotel in London, England.

According to the conference website, topics include:

- Using Mobile Healthcare Partnership to Transform a Health System From Responsive Into Preventative
- Using Mobile Healthcare to Improve Precision in the Diagnosis and Cure of Patient Illness
- Freeing the Patient and the System with Intelligent Biometric Diagnostics
- Defining the Data Management of Digital Healthcare
- What Are The Technical Platforms For Mobile Healthcare Success? - SMS, Devices, Intelligent M2M
- Globalising Mobile Healthcare: Regional Case Studies and Uniting the Service – South Korea, North America, Japan

Visit the conference website for detailed information.

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