Unsure of your major and/or career paths? Visit the Shoemaker Building for Walk-In Advising!
Majors Walk-In Advising is now available on Wednesdays from 1-3pm in the Shoemaker Bldg.
Students should check-in with the Main Receptionist on the 1st floor. No appointment necessary.
Majors Walk-In is a service to help students begin to think about possible academic majors and/or career paths using a Web-based career information system, SIGI3. It is appropriate for any class level, and even graduate students. Plan to spend at least 25-30 minutes using SIGI3 to get the best orientation and benefit.
The walk-in service is best for students who are self-motivated and would continue exploration on their own after getting some initial information. If students are highly stressed or confused about choosing or changing their majors (or finding a career path), they may find individual career counseling more beneficial.
How To Find A Psychology Internship Workshop! Monday, October 19th, 5:00 Pm 1140 A-b Bps!
How to Find a Psychology Internship Workshop Erica Ely, Program Director, Internships University Career Center & The President's Promise Monday, October 19, 2015 (please note this is a date change from the original announcement)5:00...
Fall Career & Internship Fair
This annual event provides students an opportunity to meet face-to-face with employers to discuss internship as well as full-time and part-time employment opportunities. September 16th is for STEM majors and September 17th will include...
Welcome All New And Returning Psychology Majors! Visit The Office Of Undergraduate Studies In The New Department Of Psychology Suite, 1121 Bps!
Office of Undergraduate Studies Department of Psychology New Suite! 1121 Biology-Psychology Building Enter front of BPS, take a left, and then walk straight back past restrooms to double glass doors. The Department of Psychology Office of Undergraduate...
Make It Your New Year's Resolution To Attend At Least Five Career Center Events This Spring!
Career Events for BSOS Students, Spring 2014 For a complete list of programs/events and to register for any of these events visit University Career Center & The President’s Promise (3rd Floor Hornbake Library, South...
Consider Psyc309c!
Confused about what to do after completing your Maryland undergraduate degree? Consider registering for PSYC309C! This 1-credit course will investigate various career and graduate school opportunities available to psychology majors. Options specific...