Transhumanist webcomic
From Irregular Webcomic.
James Hughes speaks with neurologist and American Neuropsychiatric Association president Richard Restak about neurosociety and his new book The Naked Brain, on essential transhumanist podcast Changesurfer Radio. Click to listen (mp3). Dr. Hughes has a...
Philippe Van Nedervelde's E-spaces 3D Art Studio created Nanobots replacing neurons (nerve cells). This a still image of HD animation, depicting robots in the brain, from the transhumanist documentary Beyond Man (2005). Although imaginary, current...
More On Neurowords
Neuromarketing is not that new, so reading a story in EurekAlert about "a groundbreaking new study" that is supposedly "the first to use fMRI to assess consumer perceptions" is a little disappointing. Neurowords aren't spreading through the lexicon...
Brain Ethics posted a great link to a podcast from The Science Show posing the question, "What are the implications of the latest advances in neural prosthetics?" It includes transhumanist themes like brain implants and robotics. Download mp3....
Scientists Explain Their Work Through The Medium Of Dance
Forget Gene Kelly, Michael Jackson or Dirty Dancing, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has announced the winners of its science dance-off contest. According to the AAAS, "the human body is an excellent medium for communicating...