Trace Freud's footsteps with fellow PSYC Terps in Vienna this June!
Course Description:What better place to learn about the history of the mental health movement than where Sigmund Freud established the "talking cure" in Vienna, Austria? The undergraduate program in the Department of Psychology will offer a short-term education abroad program this summer in Vienna. The course will take place for three weeks during the month of June, and will be taught by Dr. Kevin McGann. The course will focus on the beginnings of psychotherapy with Sigmund Freud, but will trace the evolution of therapeutic treatment to its current state. It will consider how Freud's approach contributed to a more humane form of treatment for people with mental illness at the time. The course will end by evaluating the significance of Freud's theory over time, and by comparing it to various other approaches of psychotherapy and treatment in terms of evidence for effectiveness.
Course lectures will take place in an historic international education center in downtown Vienna, and will be supplemented by group field trips and guided tours of the city of Vienna, Freud's birthplace, Freud's apartment and therapy practice, Europe's first inpatient psychiatric facility (Narrenturm, or "Fool's Tower"), the nearby city of Salzburg, and various other cultural events and excursions. Students will stay in shared apartments with wireless capability and access to kitchen facilities in downtown Vienna.
Applicability to PSYC major:The course is 3 credits, and will satisfy a 400-level Mental Health and Interventions (Theme II) non-lab course for psychology majors.
Prerequisites:Students should have an interest in mental health treatment, and ideally would have taken PSYC200 and PSYC353 before the course begins. Students without these prerequisites may still be considered by permission of department.
Cost:The exact program fee is still TBD, but likely will be very comparable to previous summer offerings by UMD in a European city.
Are you interested?
If so, please email Dr. McGann at [email protected]. He will keep a list of all interested students, and email you more information about the program and the direct link to submit your application to Education Abroad once the application is ready.
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