The Synapse 10
The Synapse, Spooky Issue 10 is up, thanks to the scarily amusing Neurocritic. This regular blog carnival in its current issue features fifteen contributions from some of the hottest neurobloggers online, including its host.
(every Day Is) Halloween
...with The Neurocritic's Halloween and Horror archive! The Synapse, Spooky Issue 10 The Brain That Wouldn't Die Carnival of Souls Cerebro Muerto Hate On Halloween El Día de los Políticos Muertos The Hyperscanning of 'Paranormal...
The Last Of The Synapses
The Synapse #13 neuroblog carnival is hosted this week at neurocontrarian. This will be the last edition of The Synapse, because it will merge with Encephalon. So submit your exciting new posts to Neurotopia v2.0 before 18th December, 2006....
All Glory To The Synapse!
REMINDER: Send your submissions for The Synapse to Hypnotoad at, the.synapse.carnival {AT} gmail dot com by early AM Sunday 29 October....
Call For Submissions: Encephalon 4
The Neurocritic will host Encephalon 4 on August 14. Please send your submissions to, --at-- gmail --dot-- com by August 13. Thanks! In the meantime, enjoy reading The Synapse vol 1, issue 4....
I've Walked These Streets
in a carnival of sights to see all the cheap thrill seekers the vendors and the dealers they crowded around me "Carnival" -Natalie Merchant The latest issue of The Synapse (Vol. 1, n. 2) is up at Blog Around The Clock! have I been blind have I been lost...