The Special Issue Spotter
Advances in developmental cognitive neuroscience - an evolving field that investigates the relations between brain maturation and cognitive development. (Neuropsychologia).
'Memory editing' - a study of the interplay between those mechanisms that distort memory and those mechanisms that protect memory against distortion. (Memory).
If you're aware of a forthcoming journal special issue in psychology, please let me know.
The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the world's journals so you don't have to. Here are the latest journal special issues in psychology: New angles on the brain (Nature). Terrorism Psychology: Theory & Application (Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology). Gene-environment...
The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the world's journals so you don't have to: Mental Time Travel: Social Psychological Perspectives on a Fundamental Human Capacity (European Journal of Social Psychology). Cyberbullying: Development, consequences, risk and protective factors...
The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the world's journals so you don't have to: Delusion and Confabulation (Cognitive Neuropsychiatry). Formal modeling of semantic concepts (Acta Psychologica). Silence and Memory (Memory). From the editorial: 'As memory researchers...
The Special Issue Spotter
We look out for the latest journal special issues so you don't have to: New insights in trauma and memory (Memory). Social Network Analysis and Children's Peer Relationships (New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development). Cracking the orthographic...
The Special Issue Spotter
Community treatment orders. (International Journal of Law and Psychiatry). Memory and Psi. (European Journal of Parapsychology). Sport psychology at the Athens Olympics. (The Sport and Exercise Psychology Review). The psychopharmacology of memory. (Psychopharmacology)....