The Special Issue Spotter

The Special Issue Spotter

We trawl through the journals so you don't have to...

Free will (Behavioural Sciences and the Law).

The hindsight bias (Social Cognition). Contributing editor Dr Blank tells us "the hindsight bias is about cognitive distortions of the past, in particular past events appearing more foreseeable and inevitable than they seemed before. The special issue tries to give a broad overview of this phenomenon and the research that has been conducted in the last 30 years".

Human contingency learning (Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology).

Bipolar disorder (Journal of Clinical Psychology).

...but if you are aware of a forthcoming journal special issue in psychology, please let me know.

- The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the world's journals so you don't have to: Clinicians respond to their clients' technology (Journal of Clinical Psychology). From the editorial: "Taken as a whole, these papers suggest that while technology can certainly contribute...

- The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the world's journals so you don't have to: Animal minds: from computation to evolution (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: B). Basic Number Processing and Mathematics Achievement (special section, Mind, Brain and Education)....

- The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the world's journals so you don't have to: Television and toddlers: The message, the medium, and their impact on early cognitive development (Developmental Review). Multisensory processes (European Journal of Neuroscience). Linking research...

- The Special Issue Spotter
The latest journal special issues in psychology: The perception of emotion and social cues in faces (Neuropsychologia). Behavioural analysis around the world (International Journal of Psychology). Therapeutic training after Freud (Journal of Psychotherapy...

- The Special Issue Spotter
Inequality and injustice: implications (Cognitive Development). Neuroimaging. (Forthcoming at The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry). Memory and Psi. (Forthcoming at European Journal of Parapsychology). Magda B. Arnold's contributions to...

