The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the world's journals so you don't have to:
Bilingualism: Acquisition of Linguistic and non-Linguistic Skills in Bilinguals (Brain and Language).
Letter Recognition: From Perception to Representation (Cognitive Neuropsychology).
Symposium on suicide terrorism (Political Psychology).
Researching the Practice, Practicing the Research, and Promoting Responsible Policy: Usable Knowledge in Mind, Brain, and Education (Mind, Brain and Education).
Special Issue on Social Support (Journal of Social and Personal Relationships).
Puzzlingly High Correlations in fMRI Studies of Emotion, Personality, and Social Cognition - The Voodoo Study! - plus responses (Perspectives on Psychological Science).
The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the world's journals so you don't have to. Here are the latest journal special issues in psychology: Social media as a research environment (Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking) open access. Social Psychological Perspectives...
The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the world's journals so you don't have to: Animal minds: from computation to evolution (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: B). Basic Number Processing and Mathematics Achievement (special section, Mind, Brain and Education)....
The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the world's journals so you don't have to: Human nature and pop culture (Review of General Psychology). Includes the important paper: "Why who shot J. R. Matters: Dallas as the pinnacle of human evolutionary television." New Thinking:...
The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the world's journals so you don't have to: Special section on fMRI (Perspectives on Psychological Science). The Content and Context of Early Media Exposure (Infant and Child Development). The psychology of political leadership (Political...
The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the world's journals so you don't have to: Diagnosis, diagnosis, diagnosis: towards DSM-5 (Mental Health Journal). Open Access. First-year maternal employment and child development in the first seven years (Monographs of the Society for...