The Insula Keeps Getting its Due From The New York Times!
From today's
New York TimesA Small Part of the Brain, and Its Profound Effects By SANDRA BLAKESLEE
According to neuroscientists who study it, the insula is a long-neglected brain region that has emerged as crucial to understanding what it feels like to be human.
They say it is the wellspring of social emotions, things like lust and disgust, pride and humiliation, guilt and atonement. It helps give rise to moral intuition, empathy and the capacity to respond emotionally to music.
Its anatomy and evolution shed light on the profound differences between humans and other animals.
[ ... Read the full article ... ]
Chronic Wasting Disease
Study Spells Out Spread of Brain Illness in Animals By SANDRA BLAKESLEE The New York Times Published: September 10, 2009 The infectious agent that leads to chronic wasting disease is spread in the feces of infected animals long before they become ill,...
The Game Brain
An excellent op-ed piece in today's New York Times about the value of exercise - of the physical variety - in mental gymnastics. A Risser suggestion to supplement the intent of the opinion writers: get out there and walk around, but take a camera...
Dreaming "big Dreams"
From today's New York Times Winding Through ‘Big Dreams’ Are the Threads of Our Lives By REBECCA CATHCART Published: July 3, 2007 [snip] “Back to life” or “visitation” dreams, as they are known among dream specialists and psychologists,...
The Passionate Caudate
From tomorrow's New York Times: Watching New Love as It Sears the Brain By BENEDICT CAREY The New York Times Published: May 31, 2005 [snip] In the study, Dr. [Helen] Fisher, Dr. Lucy Brown of Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx and...
Bird Brains!
From tomorrow's New York Times:
Minds of Their Own: Birds Gain Respect
The New York Times
Published: February 1, 2005
Birdbrain has long been a colloquial term of ridicule. The common notion is that birds' brains...