The Insula Is The New Black...

The Insula Is The New Black...

...or the new cingulate, in terms of hot and trendy areas of the brain.

graphic from the New York Times

Damage to the Insula Disrupts Addiction to Cigarette Smoking (Science).

It's everywhere!! The insula is smoking!

- Morbid Warnings On Cigarette Packs Could Encourage Some People To Smoke
Every now and again a finding comes along that provides perfect ammunition for psychologists confronted by the tiresome claim that psychology is all 'common sense'. Researchers have found that death-related health warnings on cigarette packs are...

- Extras
Other eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut this fortnight: Alcohol causes you to lose your sense of humour. People with amnesia have trouble imagining the future. Stroke sufferers who suffer damage to a part of the brain called the...

- New York Times On Addiction And The Insula
In Clue to Addiction, Brain Injury Halts SmokingBy BENEDICT CAREY Published: January 26, 2007 Scientists studying stroke patients are reporting today that an injury to a specific part of the brain, near the ear, can instantly and permanently break a smoking...

- The Insulta And Anorexia
graphic adapted from the New York Times Neurophilosophy points to a silly typo in a serious press release about a neuroimaging study in women who have recovered from anorexia nervosa: Sense of taste different in women with anorexia nervosa Imaging study...

- Paid Umd Smoking Study Seeking Study Participants!
UMD Smoking Study Participants needed  Cigarette smokers between the ages of 18 and 21 needed for smoking study. Participants will receive $40 for completing two 1-1.5 hour sessions. Call (301) 405-7722 or email [email protected] to complete...

