The Digital Divide, c'est nous?

The Digital Divide, c'est nous?

Tom Freidman's August 3, 2005 column in the New York Times is disturbing: he reports that the US is 16th in the world for broadband connectivity (disturbing for a librarian, he doesn't cite his source). He also mentions how primitive it would be to make a 911 call from the New York subways.


- Alzheimer's Disease: Rethinking Things?
A very readable piece from Gina Kolata of the New York Times: Doubt on Tactic in Alzheimer’s Battle By GINA KOLATA The New York Times Published: August 18, 2010 "The failure of a promising Alzheimer’s drug highlights the gap between diagnosis and...

- The Game Brain
The New York Times continues its coverage of cognitive agility with a column today by Jane Brody discussing different cognitive and physical ways to promote a fit mind: Mental Reserves Keep Brains Agile by Jane E. Brody The New York Times 11 December...

- Better Than Enron: The Enteric Nervous System
From tomorrow's New York Times:The Other Brain Also Deals With Many Woes By HARRIET BROWN The New York Times Published: August 23, 2005 Two brains are better than one. At least that is the rationale for the close - sometimes too close - relationship...

- Dr. Heidelise Als And The Nicu
From tomorrow's New York Times Sunday Magazine: A Second Womb By PAUL RAEBURN The New York Times Published: August 14, 2005 Read the article. Dr. Heidelise Als, prematurity, and the contemporary neonatal ICU. - Anthony H. Risser | neuroscience |...

- Response To O'reilly
My favorite dj, Vin Scelsa, has a letter to the editor in the Oct 1, 2005 New York Times in response to Tim O'Reilly's Sept 28 op-ed piece about authors & Google Scholar. Vin compares his work of playing digital music (which he does for WFUV...

