Terps Roots and Shoots Post-Thanksgiving Meeting!
Terps Roots and Shoots of the Jane Goodall Institute will be holding their last general body meeting of the semester on Monday, November 26 at 8 p.m. in Margaret Brent Room A 2212 in the Stamp Student Union. The discussion will focus on future community, animal and environmental service events. Hope to see you all there! New members are welcome!
Empower Your Organization To Engage In Positive Social Change! Contact Terpservice Today!
TerpService connects UMD students to local community service-learning. We partner with organizations that do socially just work in communities surrounding campus. We work with homelessness and poverty, environmental issues and sustainability, youth literacy...
First Spring Semester Amsa Meeting Scheduled For Tuesday, February 5!
University of Maryland American Medical Student Association (AMSA) Meeting Tuesday, February 5 7:00-8:00 pm The STAMP Benjamin Bannecker Room Come learn about this semester's focus issue. T-shirts will be sold at a cost of $5 for national members...
Amsa Meeting Tuesday, November 20!
UMD's American Medical Student Association (AMSA) is holding their second to last general body meeting on Tuesday, November 20 at 7pm in Stamp's Charles Carroll room. Our topic of the semester is cancer. A girl from the Young Adult Cancer Support...
Don't Miss The American Medical Student Association Meeting!
American Medical Student Association Meeting Tuesday, September 11 7:00 pm Stamp Student Union Charles Carroll Room B Announcements, topic of the semester, and fun ice breakers!...
Gemstone-ellicott Service Committee Gbm
GESC will be having a general body meeting Monday, October 3 at 6:30PM. We'll be meeting in 0100D Ellicott. GESC is a great way to get involved with local community service projects, and we have a fantastic set of events lined up. Join us...