Teaching Citation Searching to Grad Students
One of my student / trainers / colleagues and I co-wrote an article for
Computers in Libraries about the UConn peer-to-peer training program. I've written about the Elsevier Student Ambassador Program here before (June 2007), but that post was brief, and the article is more detailed.
Chelsea writes a great deal about how she taught other UConn graduate students the nifty process of looking to see who's cited an article, and by doing find MORE related articles, and finding seminal articles in a particular field. We both like citation searching databases like Scopus and Web of Science because they let you do some very interdisciplinary searching with a few mouse clicks.
The article was great fun to write, and I hope it gives you some ideas about a novel way of searching.
For More Information
- Hammond, Chelsea C. and Stephanie Willen Brown (2008). Citation Searching: Search Smarter & Find More. Computers in Libraries, Vol. 28 No. 5. Thanks to the folks at Information Today for making the article free online!
My Public Schedule For Fall
In case you were wondering, there are a few places you can see me this fall, and if you can't come see me, you can read some stuff I wrote. Here are the details: Workshops "Live Usability Lab: See One, Do One & Take One Home." Thursday, September...
Extra-curricular Librarian
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Citation Tracking
Roy Tennant's excellent library literature abstracting service Current Cites points to an interesting short article about citation tracking: Bakkalbasi, Nisa, Kathleen Bauer, and Janis Glover, et. al. "Three Options for Citation Tracking: Google...
"are Search Engines Making Students Dumber?"
From today’s New York Times comes an editorial about search engines and students’ intellectual abilities over the past several years. Hmmm, is it really that search engines are making students “dumber”? Interesting argument, but I’m not sure...
Good Background On Google
The August 2005 issue of Wired has lots of interesting articles about recent technology "that changed the world", including a fascinating article about the founding of Google. Talks about the scholarly reasons for its creation (citation searching) and...