Talking of sleep...
Finally had a breakthrough in my dissertation (the influence of genomic imprinting on sleep)! Have spent the last few weeks aimlessly trying to piece together bits of information but it finally glues together. Now I can sleep soundly, until tomorrow, when the slog begins again.
Students: It's Time To Ditch The Pre-exam All-nighter
Lack of sleep impairs the human brain's ability to store new information in memory, researchers have found. Past research has already shown that sleep is vital for consolidating recently-learned material but now Matthew Walker and colleagues have...
Not Such A Bad Night's Sleep
From 'The Archives', first published in the Digest 2/2/2004 For the 33 percent of Americans who suffer from insomnia, a good night's sleep is no more than a dream. Part of the their problem could be that they overestimate how long it takes...
You're Feeling Very Sleepy
Just thinking that they’ve not had much sleep could interfere with the daytime functioning of imsomniacs, regardless of whether they actually had enough sleep or not. Twenty-two students (average age 21 years) with primary insomnia were recruited by...
Sleeping Beauty
So apparently people who sleep more tend to look more beautiful...definitely a good excuse for that lie in tomorrow then :)
To Die, To Sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause... -- William Shakespeare - To be, or not to be (from Hamlet 3/1) Jacob's Dream woodcut,...