I'm delighted to share student suggestions and outcomes from Dr. Lois Boynton's PR Writing class.
The suggestions include (but are not limited to):
Asking professors to give students extra credit if they talk to me as they are working on their assignment. I've mentioned this to two folks who are enthusiastic.
Send a press release to faculty about our new website (when it goes live). This idea works particularly well in a school with a public relations department, but it's a good idea for any discipline.
Emphasize the instant-ness of chat in classes. I think I'll ask a student volunteer to use the chat while in class - how much more instant can we get?
Bring in a student from an earlier semester with me to talk about how helpful it was talking to me about the class assignment.
The output includes (but is not limited to)
A series of three short videos where I demonstrate what happens in a library interaction - and show that I don't bite. Check out the first one (the other two are on YouTube and embedded in some of my LibGuides):
A flyer to be made available to students about what the Library has to offer. I originally balked at the idea of a flyer (print? really?) but this is the second group of PR students who recommended one, so I went ahead and made one.
I printed 100 copies, which I've placed around the building and will share at the School's welcome reception.
I will also post them in bathrooms to see if that increases awareness.
Now if I could just super-charge my Photoshop skills so I can create slides for the School's digital signage boards ...
As I implement more of the students' ideas, I'll blog them.
- Pr Collaborations With Students: #parklibsavestime
I worked with 2015 PR major, Michelle Park, to promote the Park Library to students in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Our goal was to persuade students that talking to me could save them time and help them turn into more efficient searchers....
- What They Learned In Class
I taught a "one-shot" session of The World of Mass Communication this semester. It's a 100-level class designed to introduce students to the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. I went in to talk about doing better Google searches AND...
- Working With Students, Non-traditionally
I've branched out into non-traditional librarian-student interaction, and it's been a great success. This spring, I collaborated with JOMC professor Spencer Barnes and his Infographics students. Dr. Barnes asks the students to create (amazing)...
- Embedding Libguides Into Course Management Systems
from http://www.iconarchive.com/show/ color-stroked-icons-by-mfayaz/find-icon.htmlMy getting-ready-for-school tasks include creating library course guides for each class I plan to talk to about using library resources. Last academic year, I taught...
- School Librarians Rock!
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