Stephanie's Vision

Stephanie's Vision

One of my goals for 2014 is to take more photos. To help with that goal, one of my 2013 vacation goals was to create a website for my photos. The second goal has been achieved!

Check out my zenfolio portfolio at, and if you have Flash enabled, you can check out a slideshow of my recent photowalk at the Eno River State Park:

(if you don't have Flash enabled, here's a link to the collection)

Happy new year!

- Alison Gopnik: Parenthood
I’ve had three of my own children and spent my professional life thinking about children. And yet I still find my relation to my children deeply puzzling. Our love for children is so unlike any other human emotion. I fell in love with my babies so quickly...

- My Summer Vacation
It's definitely summer here in North Carolina: we've had 36 days with temperatures at or above 90º in June or July (in 1952, we had 45 such days in June or July, says the News & Observer), and things are hot & sticky down south! It's...

- Animal Bioacoustics & Speech Processing
I‘m in Milwaukee for a conference (about which probably more later), and was happy to have the local newspaper, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, delivered to my hotel room rather than a bland national paper. Even better, there is a fascinating animal...

- David Pogue On Tedtalks
Listened to David Pogue podcast on TEDTalks last week. It was awesome! He's funny, articulate, good with a tune, and a definite advocate for good design. Watch the video here: or download the podcast from the Ted Blog. Check out other CogSci & librarian-friendly...

- New Link In Animal Behavior
Added 1 cool link to the "Doing Research in Animal Behavior" page. Check out the Animal Diversity Web. This is a database of animal natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology. Includes photos and information about both phyla...

