Speech/Language Tutor for 5-Year-Old Needed
Seeking tutor for 5-yr old. Must have experience in speech/language therapy, special ed, child development, or related field. Tutoring is 1 hr, 3x per week at a Rockville school. Offering competitive pay and will reimburse for gas or transportation. Emphasis will be on executive functioning skills: planning, sustained attention, working memory, and reasoning. Tutoring embedded within fun, creative, pretend-play sessions based on Adele Diamond’s “Tools of the Mind” approach. Please call 240-620-2427 for more information.
Abstract Of The Day: Speech And Language
Faraneh Vargha-Khadem, David G. Gadian, Andrew Copp & Mortimer Mishkin (2005). FOXP2 AND THE NEUROANATOMY OF SPEECH AND LANGUAGE. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 6, 131-138. [doi:10.1038/nrn1605]
That speech and language are innate capacities of...
Don't Wait Till It's Too Late! Act Now On These Free Tutoring Resources!
FREE Tutoring and other Academic Resources! Flyer: Academic Achievement Programs (AAP) Academic Success and Tutorial Services (ASTS) offers free peer tutoring for the campus'most challenging courses. To make...
Help Your Peers While Acquiring Valuable Experience For Grad School! Become A Pal Educator Today!
The Peer Assisted Learning Program (PAL) is designed around the concept of students assisting their peers in reaching their short and long-term academic goals. PAL educators are trained student volunteers who assist fellow university students to improve...
On Campus Job Opportunity Tutoring Student Athletes!
Maryland Academic Services Academic Support & Career Development Unit (ASCDU) Tutoring Opportunities Description: The ASCDU is in need of high achieving students with an interest in education and experience tutoring to provide tutorial support...
Be The Change! Volunteer As A Teacher In Tanzania Or South Africa With One Heart Source!
ONEHEARTSOURCE is a student-initiated volunteer opportunity in Tanzania and South Africa. With little sustainable health care infrastructure or equal distribution of resources in most developing countries, the need for change is urgent; yet the implementation...