Senator Santorum Is Speaking In Concessions
...and now for a small dose of politics with that religion:
Rick Santorum Concedes...Watch The Speech...
Conservative GOP Senator Rick Santorum conceded to his Democratic opponent Bob Casey in the Pennsylvania Senate race that has attracted national attention.
However, the BBC reports that:
Democrats seek to close the 'God Gap'
Polls revealed religion as a striking predictor of voting behaviour - the more often a voter attended church, the more likely they were to vote for President Bush, by a wide margin.
In a nation where more than 90% believe in God, that is not a good thing for the Democrats.
So now it is not only Republicans but Democrats who are talking about their faith.
The Democrats are supporting candidates like Bob Casey, who is running in for the Senate in Pennsylvania. Like his Republican rival Rick Santorum, he describes himself as a "pro-life Catholic".
The God Spot? Why is it more prominent in Americans? Looking for God in the brain, removed from considering the role of religion in society and the context that creates the need for god, will provide only an incomplete answer to that latter question.
photo by Andres Serrano
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