Scrumptious Skulls
Image from Cakehead Loves Evil.Marina Malvada is a painter, musician and chocolatier who makes anatomically correct skulls out of the finest imported chocolate. How does she get them to look so realistic? The confections are cast from an actual human skull:
I once had the unique opourtunity to borrow an authentic human skull and make a mold of it to cast in plaster. When I purchased my supplies, I discovered the availability of food grade materials, and instantly, the notion of chocolate skulls came to mind!
These chocolate skulls are available in three flavors: bone chocolate (a "signature blend of Belgian white and creamy milk chocolate"), dark chocolate, and semi-sweet chocolate.
Custom made to order online. Allow 3 weeks for hand casting, plus time for delivery.
Why Narcissistic Leaders Are Like Chocolate Cake
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Hershey-funded Study Finds Chocolate May Be Good For You
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Chocolate Mooncakes (gluten-free). Or, Recipes On The Blog!
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