Science Blogging, The Book
What's next?
Science Blogging, The Musical?
I can see it (and hear it) now...
The Music, The Film, A Place Where Dreams Come True.
But seriously, Bora Zivkovic, that tireless expert on circadian rhythms and proprietor of A Blog Around The Clock, has compiled a book of the 50 best posts in science blogs from 2006. Read more:
The Science Blogging Anthology - the Great Unveiling!
Bloggers Behind The Blogs: Wray Herbert
This is part of an ongoing series of interviews with some of the world's leading psychology and neuroscience bloggers. Last up, Wray Herbert of We're Only Human, Full Frontal Psychology and the Huffington Post. How did you become a psychology/neuroscience...
Blurred Lines: The Science Blogosphere And The Borasphere
Hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey Blurred Lines ...
Scienceonline In Real Life
Finally I'm going to ScienceOnline! I wanted to go 2 years ago, but didn't have the nerve to sign up. I wanted to go a year ago, and although I found the nerve to sign up, I didn't go because I would be moving shortly and couldn't add...
Science Blogging: Translating 'scientese' Into English
Great session today on science blogging: Opening Science to All: Implications of Blogs and Wikis for Social and Scholarly Scientific Communication Bora Zivkovic talked about the types of science blogging, which include ... Translating science into English;...
Science Blogging Needs You!
Daniel Brown over at BioChemicalSoul.Com is an extremely passionate biologist. He also runs one of the best biological science blogs out there. He's just written up a great essay on the merits of science blogging, how it can help you, how it can...