Road Trip for Linguists

Road Trip for Linguists

A New York Times linguistics road trip through the “Inland North Region” (upstate New York & Pittsburgh, in the story) with William Labov’s Atlas of North American English as a guide. In a useful twist for linguists, and an interesting application of technology, the Times has provided links to audio clips of some of the regional phrases being discussed.

March 17, 2006
Travel / Escapes: It's Not the Sights, It's the Sounds

- British & Irish Genes: Not That Far Apart
Last Tuesday's Science Times describes a new view of inhabitants of the United Kingdom as defined by geneticists at Oxford. "Historians teach that [the Brits & Irish] are mostly descended from different peoples: the Irish from the Celts and the English...

- Recreating A Lost Language
Today's Times has a story about linguists and anthropologists who try to recreate "dead" languages. Linguists Find the Words, and Pocahontas Speaks Again By JOHN NOBLE WILFORD Published: March 7, 2006 See especially the chart, "Giving Voice to Lost...

- Language Log Blog
The linguists among you might enjoy this Language Log blog. Covers such interesting and lexically significant topics as the semantics of "tightie whities", possible cognitive benefits of television, and brain structure in Williams Syndrome. Created by...

- A New Language Develops
The New York Times reports on a new language developing in Israel. February 1, 2005 Science: A New Language Arises, and Scientists Watch It Evolve By NICHOLAS WADE By studying a signing system that spontaneously developed in an isolated Bedouin...

- Don't Miss The Career Shuttle Field Trip To Nih!
CAREER SHUTTLE: NIAID/NIH Student Field Trip Friday, March 08, 2013 • 11:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Location: National Institutes of Health (NIH) Headquarters, Bethesda, MD Join us on the Career Shuttle: A field trip to the National Institute of Allergy and...

