PSYC479 Research Opportunity
The Laboratory for Automation Psychology and Decision Processes (LAPDP, BPS 3111) will be conducting a number of studies on the psychology of digital games in the Fall and Spring Semesters 2010/2011 in conjunction with the class offering this Fall, Psyc 445. I am looking for 4-6 students who can sign up for Psyc 479 with 1-3 credits. We will have a group lab meeting Wednesdays 12-1 to discuss the literature and research. Other research hours are open to the student's schedule.
We will be conducting research on the factors of immersiveness of video games, cognitive components of skill required to play different games, dimensions and genres of games, standardized scales for play testing games, and reaction to acts of violence in games. The lab is equipped with an XBox Kinect, a Playstation 3 with Move Controllers, two Nintendo Wiis, large screen projection, and various handheld devices and PCs for "play testing" games.
For more information about the lab visit and the research projects at
If you are interested in the joining us, contact me at [email protected].
This Is My Idea Of Fun Monkeys Playing Video Games
Swinging in the back yard Pull up in your fast car Whistling my name Open up a beer and Say get over here And play a video game Video Games ------Lana Del Rey from Fig.1, Hosokawa & Watanabe (2012). It's you, it's you, it's all for...
Is It Real Or Is It "tactical Ops: Assault On Terror?"
The Neurocritic did not find any new media coverage for the topic of Sunday's posting on Quotidian Virtual Violence. Two speculations on the lack of media hoopla were (1) no press releases from the journal (Human Brain Mapping) or the authors'...
Mirror Neurons & Video Games
Been reading about mirror neurons a lot lately; first in the April issue of Scientific American Mind (abstract only) and now in the New York Times (from June 4, subscription may be required). SciAm suggests that mirror neurons are how we learn from the...
Train Your Brain By Participating In This "cognitive Games" Study!
Are you interested in improving your memory and thinking? If you answered “yes” then researchers at the University of Maryland are looking for you. The Decision, Attention, and Memory Lab is currently conducting a study examining “Brain Training”....
Early Childhood Interaction Lab - Seeking Undergraduate Research Assistants
The Early Childhood Interaction Lab in the Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology is seeking responsible undergraduate students who are interested in gaining valuable research experience this Fall and Spring semester. We have several...