PSYC 424 Public Service Campaigns - Fall 2011

PSYC 424 Public Service Campaigns - Fall 2011

Students in PSYC 424 (The Psychology of Communication & Persuasion) are charged with developing an evidence-based public service video campaign to serve their campus, county and/or state communities. The students have worked throughout the semester to apply what they've learned about the science of social influence to structure a two-minute video and a marketing campaign to promote positive social change.

The project culminates in a formal defense in which each group presents their project and then fields questions from a board of psychologists and university administrators. It is without a doubt among the most intense scholarly experiences our students encounter and fantastic preparation for both the professional and academic tracks.

Please feel free to join us on Tuesday 12/6 and Thursday 12/8 from 9:30am - 10:45am in BRB 1103 as student present the science behind their campaigns and field questions from the board.

If you would like to see the videos they will be defending, here are the links:
  • Reducing the casual use of derogatory words for women:
  • Encouraging Terps to mentor Prince George County students:
  • Mandate relationship violence education in Maryland:
  • Increasing awareness of and compliance with 25-foot smoking rule:
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the course instructor:
     Dr. Scott Roberts
     Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Psychology
     [email protected]

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