Presentation on Marketing the Library
I'm just finishing up my attendance at NASIG 2008 (that's the North American Serials Interest Group) on the collaboration between vendors and libraries to market (or promote, if you prefer a softer touch) library databases to patrons.
We broke the session into three groups: Brie Betz, Account Development Manager at Elsevier spoke about the program from the vendor's perspective, and how it's been a great success at the University of Connecticut and other places at increasing usage. I spoke about managing the program from the librarian's perspective and Deb Barberi, one of my GSLIS students and Student Ambassador for the 2007-2008 academic year, talked about teaching the program and working with the UConn graduate students.
The conference folks have created a NetVibes page (
) for the conference - they're pulling in Flickr photos, blog posts, and other material tagged with nasig2008. Check out all the activity, and see if you can find the photo of me at David Lee King's presentation on Emerging Trends & Web 2.0 on Flickr, or on David's blog.
Make It Matter @ #ncla15
I've been very involved in the North Carolina Library Association 61st Biennial Conference, and I've been able to collaborate with my colleagues and students at UNC's School of Media & Journalism as part of that involvement. I served as...
My Public Schedule For Fall
In case you were wondering, there are a few places you can see me this fall, and if you can't come see me, you can read some stuff I wrote. Here are the details: Workshops "Live Usability Lab: See One, Do One & Take One Home." Thursday, September...
Social Networking Sites From Nasig
This list of social networking sites comes from an article I'm co-writing with David Lee King, based on the presentation he gave at NASIG 2008 on Emerging Trends, 2.0, & Libraries. David referred to lots of cool sites which highlighted his point...
Next Gen Libraries & Refshare (e.g)
Been thinking about what I saw & heard at the Next Generation Library Catalogs session at UMass last week. What struck me most was David Lindahl (Director of Digital Library Initiatives at the University of Rochester) said in his prefatory remarks...
Another Vendor & Library Partnership
I've been working with the folks at Scopus to promote their fabulous database at my campus. They invited us to participate in their Student Ambassador Program, and it's been a rousing success! I'm going to be speaking about this at ALA next...