Present your research at the 12th Annual Undergraduate Conference!

Present your research at the 12th Annual Undergraduate Conference!

Call for Papers
12th Annual Undergraduate Conference
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
St. Paul Companies Pavilion
The 12th Annual Undergraduate Conference at Stevenson University will focus on the theme of realities—discovered, created, envisioned. Papers, posters, and projects are welcome from any field or discipline that explore a particular attempt in studying, changing, or imagining nature, human society, the past/present/future, from antiquity to virtual reality. Deadline to submit work is March 12, 2012. Papers will be published in ScholarWorks: Proceedings of the Conference or in Proto: An Undergraduate Humanities Journal.
For information or submissions please contact Alex Hooke (Conference Chair), at 443-334-2294 or [email protected].

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