Nursing-care, rehab robots gaining practical use | The Japan Times Online

Nursing-care, rehab robots gaining practical use | The Japan Times Online

Nursing-care, rehab robots gaining practical use | The Japan Times Online: A robotic exoskeleton targeted for use in nursing homes, $590/month.

- The Write Help For Older People
Older people who are depressed, especially those in residential or nursing care homes, could benefit from writing about their lives. Helen Elford at Sheffield University and her colleagues recruited four residents from a nursing home in South Yorkshire....

- Delirium (acute Confusional State)
New nursing guidelines have been announced for dealing with Acute Confusional States by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN). New AACN Practice Alert Outlines Protocols to Assess and Manage Delirium in Critically Ill Patients Feb. 10,...

- Abstract Of The Day: Executive Task Performance And Functional Status In Elderly Persons
Rapp MA, Schnaider Beeri M, Schmeidler J, Sano M, Silverman JM, Haroutunian V. Relationship of neuropsychological performance to functional status in nursing home residents and community-dwelling older adults. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry....

- Hal-5 (hybrid Assistive Limb): Possibilities To Mine For Apps For Older Or Disabled Persons?
From the Australian news network, ABC:Robot suit to help create 'supermen' Tuesday, June 7, 2005. 3:18pm (AEST) Full report Japan has taken a step into the world of science fiction with the release of a robot suit that can help workers lift heavy...

- Robots & Emotions ...
From the mailing list of some friends who know some people who like cognitive science comes this fascinating story: Antisocial robots go to finishing school Imagine having your own humanoid robot. It is great at its job so your floors and windows are...

