Not A Family Blog, After All
This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:
> p**** (26x)
- all but one in the recent homunculus post> s** (5x)
> g** (4x)
> b*mb (3x)
> or*f*ce (1x)
[And that's not even including death or suicide or endophenotype or melanocortin receptor.]via the NC-17 rated A Blog Around The Clock.
5 Chances To Win The Myth Of Martyrdom
This competition is now closed and the winners contacted. We have five copies to give away of The Myth of Martyrdom What Really Drives Suicide Bombers, Rampage Shooters, and Other Self-Destructive Killers by Adam Lankford, kindly donated...
The Joy Of Melanocortin Receptors
Lose Weight and Improve Your Sex Life! Those two pitches account for approximately 95% of all spam, right? But what if you could manufacture one drug that promises to do both things? Think of the profits!! Although it sounds too good to be true, there...
Dear Reader
Dear Reader, If you are reading this blog and find that there are pop-up ads or framed ads around the edges or in a different format than you see if you were to use the blog's direct URL, then you might be viewing the blog through some cookie-directed...
My Summer Vacation
It's definitely summer here in North Carolina: we've had 36 days with temperatures at or above 90º in June or July (in 1952, we had 45 such days in June or July, says the News & Observer), and things are hot & sticky down south! It's...
Tv News
Very interesting development in TV News: blogging by the news presenters. Brian Williams, NBC’s nightly news anchor, has a blog (can’t link directly; click on "The Daily Nightly" to see the most recent entries). An August 25 New York Times story...