New Online Dementia Resources from UCSF

New Online Dementia Resources from UCSF

The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Memory and Aging Center has recently revised their website and has launched a YouTube channel dedicated to educating patients, caregivers, and health professionals about neurodegenerative diseases and the dementias. The Center has also launched a Facebook webpage.

The website can be examined at UCSF website.

The YouTube channel - the first one I've heard of dedicated to these topics - can be found at YouTube channel link.

As noted by a UCSF contact:

"Through the YouTube channel, we also hope to support the caregiver and the caregiver’s loved ones to help them cope with these illnesses.

"The channel features UCSF’s renowned clinical-researchers discussing disease characteristics – which are often subtle and not well known, even among members of the medical community. Personal stories of patients and family members are also featured, together with practical advice and coping strategies from healthcare professionals."

The “Defeat Dementia” Facebook group to help support patients, their families, friends, caregivers and others can be found at: link.

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