New Links on Communications Page

New Links on Communications Page

Added 3 new links to the "Doing Research in Communications" page. Included: Accuracy in Media; Civic Practices Network; and Fairness and Accuracy in News Reporting (FAIR).

If you're a news junkie, check out Today's Front Pages, 246 front pages from 32 countries for today's paper. From the Newseum in Washington.

Yahoo! News is greatly improved and is better than Google News. Both allow searching and customizable search alerts, but Yahoo! also lets you search news photos. All for free!

- Free Tv News Online!
The Internet Archive has Launched "TV News Search & Borrow" with 375,000 Broadcasts, which they blogged about back in September. From the blog post: "375,000 news programs collected over 3 years from national U.S. networks and stations in San...

- Share Your Data!
NiemanLab is trying an experiment: in a blog post called Share your data! Tell us how your readers arrive at your site: search, social media, the front door?, they are asking readers to do just that. Joshua Benton states what libraries know, that there...

- If You Search, Read This Book
I'm preparing for another semester of teaching Digital Information Services & Providers, or as I like to call it, "Advanced Reference." At the start of the semester, we review some favorite resources from reference like Academic Search Premier...

- Yahoo's Personalized Shortcuts
Great InfoTip from Mary Ellen Bates about Yahoo's search shortcuts. Not only can you use shortcuts like weather baltimore (if, say, you're going to Baltimore for ACRL this weekend) to see the weather forecast for Baltimore or traffic hartford...

- Does Usability Change With Events?
The New York Times reports today that during last week’s transit strike, the New York City news site displayed a “stark black-and-white page with basic blue headline links” rather than its usual flashy graphics. Folks at NY1 say they streamlined...

