New kid on the blog

New kid on the blog

This is a blog I made. I'll try to put stuff in it as I surf the internet so I don't feel like I'm being unproductive as I read articles on the internet. I'll also write about stuff that happens to me.

I'm into running, programming, Nintendo, meditating, card tricks, and coffee. But I'll try to keep this blog impersonal and not like some twitter feed or something.

Summer is here. As much as I want to sit in front of my laptop and browse Reddit for hours a day, I do need to get some productivity done. I'm going to try something  called RescueTime and begin logging my hours of my schedule for the day in an Excel sheet as I work or do anything during the day. What are the important things I need to do? Programming, writing, studying, exercising, socializing, and everything else.  what time do I have for wasting time on YouTube and Reddit or playing video games whether they're on my laptop or elsewhere?

But I spent forever and a half trying to decide on a blog name, so I think that's enough blogging for today. Next time, expect longer posts, content, analysis, criticism, and everything in-between.

- The Bloggers Behind The Blogs: Scarlett De Courcier
This is part of an ongoing series of interviews with some of the world's leading psychology and neuroscience bloggers. Next up, Scarlett De Courcier of Ramblings of an Academic Petrolhead, Paracademia and 28 others! How did you become a psychology/neurosci...

- Bloggers Behind The Blogs: Mo Costandi
This is part of an ongoing series of interviews with some of the world's leading psychology and neuroscience bloggers. Next up, Mo Costandi of Neurophilosophy. How did you become a psychology/neurosci blogger? Out of boredom. Ten years ago, I was...

- The Inaugural 'name Our New Blog' Competition
We have recently accepted an offer to blog on Psychology Today, where we will have an opportunity to talk to a wider popular science audience about the various crazy things we think psychology should be up to. We're very excited by the opportunity;...

- Getting Work Done
It is not enough to be industrious; so are the ants. What are you industrious about? - Henry David Thoreau My new scorecard I crawled out of bed on a warm, brisk Monday morning, waiting for my energy to kick in and let me go out for a run before work...

- Back To The Lab Again
I don't know what's worse. The fact that I slept for maybe 10 hours last night or the fact that I don't feel too guilty about it. I thought I was going to "take a nap" around 7:00 pm, but ended up sleeping until midnight. At that point, I...

