New Infant Development course for Spring 2013!
EDHD 412: Infant Development Join us in this course as we examine infant and toddler development across domains, including perceptual, motor, cognitive, language, and socioemotional processes.
Professor Brenda Jones Harden [email protected]
Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00 am - 12:15 pm
The Special Issue Spotter
Cognitive Psychology and Survey Methodology: Nurturing the Continuing Dialogue between Disciplines. (Applied Cognitive Psychology). Motor Development and Learning in Infancy. Emergent Family Systems. (Both are special sections in Infant Behaviour and...
The Special Issue Spotter
International perspectives on counselling psychology (Applied Psychology). Semantic processing in special populations (Journal of Neurolinguistics). Rethinking programmes for youth in middle years (New directions in youth development). Using the microgenetic...
Parenting Study Seeks Paid Research Assistant!
Paid Research Assistant Partners for Parenting (Brenda Jones Harden) University of Maryland Description: Partners of Parenting is a five year Early Head Start-University Partnership funded by the Administration for Children and Families. Led by...
Bilingual Research Assistants Needed For Summer/fall 2013 Study!
Dr. Brenda Jones Harden is looking for bilingual research assistants for summer and fall 2013. Study Description: Students will serve as research assistants for Dr. Brenda Jones Harden, who is conducting evaluations of programs that...
Early Social Development Research Assistant Position For Spring/summer 2013!
Dr. Brenda Jones Harden is looking for bilingual undergraduate research assistants for spring semester 2013 and/or summer 2013. Study Description: Students will serve as research assistants for Dr. Brenda Jones Harden, who is conducting evaluations of...