New Books!

New Books!

Taking a look this week at new texts in introductory neuroscience & neuropsychology and at new books about the brain written for a general audience. It is always a fun activity to see what's out there, and the selections just get better and better each year!

What are your favs of 2011?

- Glia
An article written by Carl Zimmer for the September issue of Discover magazine: read the article The Dark Matter of the Human Brain Meet the forgotten 90 percent of your brain: glial cells, which outnumber your neurons ten to one. And no one really knows...

- Starting Work On My New Book
This weekend I crack open the files on my next book and begin work on it, which I plan to complete by the end of 2008. This will be a weekend and vacation-time effort, which is the only way I can fit it in. I've co-authored three academic books in...

- Promoting Academic Writing
Interesting piece in today's New York Times about writers taking promotional book "tours" via blogs: The Author Will Take Q.’s Now By KARA JESELLA Published: September 2, 2007 [snip] Bloggers have written about books since, well, the beginning of...

- The Three-pound Enigma By Shannon Moffett
Received my copy of this new book today. Looks great! It was reviewed in Sunday's Washington Post, along with two other new neuroscience books: Read the review here. And, up in March, a book by Eric Kandel. Good times for neuroscience books written...

- The Brain In Nonfiction
From tomorrow's New York Times, a book review of two new nonfiction books about the brain: The Brain: False Assumptions and Cruel Operations By WILLIAM GRIMES The New York Times Published: January 26, 2005 Reviews of these two books:POSTCARDS...

