New Books!
Taking a look this week at new texts in introductory neuroscience & neuropsychology and at new books about the brain written for a general audience. It is always a fun activity to see what's out there, and the selections just get better and better each year!
What are your favs of 2011?
An article written by Carl Zimmer for the September issue of Discover magazine: read the article The Dark Matter of the Human Brain Meet the forgotten 90 percent of your brain: glial cells, which outnumber your neurons ten to one. And no one really knows...
Starting Work On My New Book
This weekend I crack open the files on my next book and begin work on it, which I plan to complete by the end of 2008. This will be a weekend and vacation-time effort, which is the only way I can fit it in. I've co-authored three academic books in...
Promoting Academic Writing
Interesting piece in today's New York Times about writers taking promotional book "tours" via blogs: The Author Will Take Q.’s Now By KARA JESELLA Published: September 2, 2007 [snip] Bloggers have written about books since, well, the beginning of...
The Three-pound Enigma By Shannon Moffett
Received my copy of this new book today. Looks great! It was reviewed in Sunday's Washington Post, along with two other new neuroscience books: Read the review here. And, up in March, a book by Eric Kandel. Good times for neuroscience books written...
The Brain In Nonfiction
From tomorrow's New York Times, a book review of two new nonfiction books about the brain:
The Brain: False Assumptions and Cruel Operations
The New York Times
Published: January 26, 2005
Reviews of these two books:POSTCARDS...