Neuroscience in the New Yorker: Numbers and Approximations
From this week's
New Yorker:
Numbers GuyAre our brains wired for math?
by Jim Holt
March 3, 2008
[ ... Read the full article ... ]
American Football And "the Concussion Crisis"
From The New Yorker: Does Football Have a Future? The N.F.L. and the concussion crisis by Ben McGrath The New Yorker 31 January 2011 Read the full piece...
David Eagleman On Time And Synesthesia
Burkhard Bilger had a great piece in the April 25, 2011 New Yorker entitled David Eagleman and Mysteries of the Brain. In it, Bilger discusses Eagleman's fascinating work trying to figure out how we think about time. Eagleman goes to a Zero Gravity...
Relationships Between Language & Culture?!
Apparently it's still linguistics week here at the CogSciLibrarian corral. In catching up on my New Yorker reading, I came across a recent New Yorker article about the Brazilian hunter-gatherer tribe called the Pirahã (pronounced pee-da-HAN). John...
Science (fact) Writing
John the Science Librarian just blogged Cognitive Daily: How to report scientific research to a general audience in his entry called Writing about science. Since I have some time on my hands (not teaching this semester, gasp!), I've been reading a...
Malcolm Gladwell On Cesar Milan
Have you seen the Dog Whisperer on the National Geographic channel? It's fascinating, as a pet owner (cats, not dogs, but I can make some leaps) and as a fan of animal behavior science. Cesar Milan seems to have an instinctive understanding of dog...