Neuropsychology Abstract of the Day: Neurodegeneration in Alzheimer Disease
de Jong LW, van der Hiele K, Veer IM, Houwing JJ, Westendorp RG, Bollen EL, de Bruin PW, Middelkoop HA, van Buchem MA, & van der Grond J.
Strongly reduced volumes of putamen and thalamus in Alzheimer's disease: An MRI study. Brain. 2008 Nov 20.
Department of Radiology, Section Neuropsychology of the Department of Neurology, Department of Medical Statistics, Department of Geriatrics and Department of Neurology of the Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Atrophy is regarded a sensitive marker of neurodegenerative pathology. In addition to confirming the well-known presence of decreased global grey matter and hippocampal volumes in Alzheimer's disease, this study investigated whether deep grey matter structure also suffer degeneration in Alzheimer's disease, and whether such degeneration is associated with cognitive deterioration. In this cross-sectional correlation study, two groups were compared on volumes of seven subcortical regions: 70 memory complainers (MCs) and 69 subjects diagnosed with probable Alzheimer's disease. Using 3T 3D T1 MR images, volumes of nucleus accumbens, amygdala, caudate nucleus, hippocampus, pallidum, putamen and thalamus were automatically calculated by the FMRIB's Integrated Registration and Segmentation Tool (FIRST)-algorithm FMRIB's Software Library (FSL). Subsequently, the volumes of the different regions were correlated with cognitive test results. In addition to finding the expected association between hippocampal atrophy and cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease, volumes of putamen and thalamus were significantly reduced in patients diagnosed with probable Alzheimer's disease. We also found that the decrease in volume correlated linearly with impaired global cognitive performance. These findings strongly suggest that, beside neo-cortical atrophy, deep grey matter structures in Alzheimer's disease suffer atrophy as well and that degenerative processes in the putamen and thalamus, like the hippocampus, may contribute to cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease.
PMID: 19022861 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Neuropsychology Abstract Of The Day: Hippocampal Atrophy
Hippocampal Subregions are Differentially Affected in the Progression to Alzheimer's Disease Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2011 Nov 18; Greene SJ, Killiany RJ, Abstract Atrophy within the hippocampus (HP) as measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a...
Neuropsychology Abstract Of The Day: Alzheimer's Disease
Increasing the diagnostic accuracy of medial temporal lobe atrophy in Alzheimer's disease Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 2011;25(3):477-90 Jacobs HI, Van Boxtel MP, van der Elst W, Burgmans S, Smeets F, Gronenschild EH, Verhey FR, Uylings HB,...
Neuropsychology Abstract Of The Day: Biomakers In Alzheimer's And Mild Cognitive Impairment
Fjell AM, Walhovd KB, Fennema-Notestine C, McEvoy LK, Hagler DJ, Holland D, Brewer JB, Dale AM; for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. CSF Biomarkers in Prediction of Cerebral and Clinical Change in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's...
Neuropsychology Abstract Of The Day: Mild Cognitive Impairment (mci)
Karas G, Sluimer J, Goekoop R, van der Flier W, Rombouts S, Vrenken H, Scheltens P, Fox N, & Barkhof F. Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: Structural MR Imaging Findings Predictive of Conversion to Alzheimer Disease. American Journal of Neuroradiology....
Neuropsychology Abstract Of The Day: Mild Cognitive Impairment (mci)
Fleisher AS, Sun S, Taylor C, Ward CP, Gamst AC, Petersen RC, Jack CR, Aisen PS, & Thal LJ. Volumetric MRI vs clinical predictors of Alzheimer disease in mild cognitive impairment. Neurology. 2008 Jan 15; 70(3): 191-199. OBJECTIVE: To compare volumetric...