Need elective credits? Pursue a psychology internship for course credit!

Need elective credits? Pursue a psychology internship for course credit!

Internships are a great way to acquire "real world career experience" outside of the classroom environment. Psychology internships can be done on a volunteer basis or for course credit. Students pursuing an internship can also enroll concurrently in PSYC 389 Experiential Learning if they are looking to receive academic credit for the internship experience. This course assists the student with processing what they are learning in the internship through reflection journals and a variety of other exercises. Students also produce a 2-5 minute "commercial" which they can then use to promote their internship experience to graduate schools and employers. PSYC 389 is administered through ELMS and can be taken for between 1 and 6 credits.

For more information on PSYC 389 Experiential Learning go to: or contact Steve Young, at [email protected]

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