More than Déjà Vu?

More than Déjà Vu?

Some interesting insight into memory, déjà vu, déjà veçu, and more from today's New York Times magazine:

July 2, 2006
Déjà Vu, Again and Again
People with a syndrome called déjà vécu spend much
of their time living through experiences they are
convinced have happened before. Researchers think the
phenomenon may be a clue to some of the enduring
mysteries of memory.

- Simulating Déjà Vu In The Lab
Déjà vu is that creepy feeling that you're living through a moment for the second time, as if retreading the path of an earlier existence. Now Alan Brown and Elizabeth Marsh believe they've found a way to simulate the déjà vu sensation in...

- Extras
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: This sounds familiar: a memory-based account of deja vu (pdf). The kind of streets older people like to walk down. Examining why we remember so much more from adolescence and early adulthood than...

- Investigating The 'dreamy State'
Patients with temporal lobe epilepsy sometimes experience unusual hallucinations and strange sensations when they have a seizure. Back in the nineteenth century, the legendary English neurologist John Hughlings Jackson called these experiences ‘dreamy...

- It Feels Like The First Time
Feels like the very first time It feels like the first time It feels like the very first time --Foreigner, Feels Like The First Time ...or maybe the 59 thousandth time. Is anyone else getting tired of articles that use the phrase, "for the first time"...

- What's New In ...... Confabulation?
Sticking with the confabulation theme, here are some of the most recent publications on the topic: Schnider A, Bonvallat J, Emond H, & Leemann B. Reality confusion in spontaneous confabulation. Neurology. 2005 Oct 11; 65(7): 1117-1119. PMID: 16217071...

