more telerobots....

more telerobots....

Carnegie Mellon Unveils Internet-Controlled Robots That Anyone Can Build by Following the Right Recipe

Creator Says TeRK Brings Robotics to Usability Level Never Before Seen by the Public

The idea is definitely right, but they use a specialized component for the core of the robot -- laptops and other PCs should probably be the core brains of robotics.

- Robogames
This past weekend I went to RoboGames. There were many squee moments (PLEN was there! so cute! etc.), many pictures taken (which are trapped on my phone for the moment), and many things learned while wandering around among the room full of dads and their...

- Teleneurosurgery
First - Omni Brain has moved to, part of the Seed Media Group responsible for many interesting projects (see Phylotaxis). Steve and I will continue to post brain silliness, for lots more readers. My blog attention has been focussed on...

- Robot Skin
Continuing with the robot theme, the lowbrow science site (infamous for sensationalistic headlines) carried a very funny article by Bill Christensen of, Robots Get Soft, Human-Like Skin If you hate being touched by your...

- Hal-5 (hybrid Assistive Limb): Possibilities To Mine For Apps For Older Or Disabled Persons?
From the Australian news network, ABC:Robot suit to help create 'supermen' Tuesday, June 7, 2005. 3:18pm (AEST) Full report Japan has taken a step into the world of science fiction with the release of a robot suit that can help workers lift heavy...

- The $100 Laptop, From An Econ. Perspective
The December 2006 issue of MIT's journal Technology Review offers this article from economics writer James Surowiecki: Philanthropy's New Prototype // Will the [$100 laptop] Save the World? It's an interesting look at the economics of the...

