Morbid Curiosity in Chicago
Chicago Cultural Center78 E. Washington Street
Chicago, IL 60602
If you're still in Chicago for the last day of the 2012 CNS Meeting (and can spare the time), I highly recommend this exhibit.
"I have accumulated over 1500 objects exploring the related themes of death and mortality."-Richard Harris
More about the skulls (and the conference) will be forthcoming...
10 Least Popular Posts Of 2012
While everyone else rings in the New Year by commemorating the best and brightest of 2012 in formulaic Top Ten lists, The Neurocritic decided to wallow in shame. To mark this Celebration of Failure I have compiled a Bottom Ten list, the year's least...
Ongoing Event: Neuroscience 2009
The annual conference of the Society for Neuroscience is ongoing in Chicago. The event contnues through the 21st. Conference website...
Radiologists Gather In Chicago
The 90th scientific conference of the Radiological Society of North America is meeting at this time, through the 3rd of December, in Chicago. Details of the meeting can be found on the Society's webpage for the conference....
Graduate Open House At The Chicago School Of Professional Psychology Dc Campus!
Graduate Open House The Chicago School of Professional Psychology DC Campus On behalf of The Chicago School of Professional Psychology DC Campus, you are invited to attend a Graduate Open House on May 6, 2015 from 9:30am to 6:30pm. You will...
Full-time Ra Position In The Windy City!
Mood Studies Program Research Assistant in Cognitive Neuroscience Department of Psychiatry University of Illinois Chicago University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Psychiatry seeks applications for a full time Research Assistant to assist with...