Mind Wandering, Creativity, and Brain Function
CBC Radio's "Spark" show's Nora Young discusses this topic on its 30 October 2011 show.
Dr. Kalina Christoff, an assistant professor in the Psychology department and the Brain Research Centre at the University of British Columbia, is interviewed.
Available as a podcast from the show's webpage.
Alzheimer's Disease
From today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: A Life Hijacked: Alzheimer's takes bigger toll on former pilot November 25, 2012 12:08 am By Gary Rotstein / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette <a href="">Read...
Upcoming Event: "over The Hill" (10 December 2012, Brighton)
A talk by Tim Andrews and a look at "Over The Hill: A Photographic Journey" See website for information: Ethics in Performance...
Clinical Trials In England
The BBC's "Newspod" podcast from the 22nd of December includes an item looking at contemporary issues in performing pharma clinical trials in England. Comparison is made to what is considered to be the more-successful Scotland model.Approx...
Mind Hacks continues its good work of updating readers about its favorite radio show, Australia's All in the Mind. This week, it blogs that the show was about the fascinating topic of confabulation. Their report includes links to the audiostream and...
Neuroscience-of-orgasm Studies And The Secret Life Of The Brain; Dementia, Too
The Mind Hacks blog crew posted two posts today that provide links to an Australian radio show’s detailed look at recent neuroscientific studies of orgasm and to content and visual segments from the PBS series The Secret Life of the Brain which aired...