Meet with a PSYC Mentor!
Meet With A PSYC Mentor
Tuesday, October 6 PSYC Advising Office
1121Z Biology-Psychology Building
Are you working on your 4 year academic plan? Do you have questions about classes next semester? Do you just need someone to talk to about the Department of Psychology? On Tuesday, October 6th, from 11:00-2:00, two of our undergraduate student workers will be in the PSYC advising office (1121Z) to answer any questions you might have about being a PSYC Terp. We look forward to seeing you!
Welcome All New And Returning Psychology Majors! Visit The Office Of Undergraduate Studies In The New Department Of Psychology Suite, 1121 Bps!
Office of Undergraduate Studies Department of Psychology New Suite! 1121 Biology-Psychology Building Enter front of BPS, take a left, and then walk straight back past restrooms to double glass doors. The Department of Psychology Office of Undergraduate...
Ous Advising Closed Friday 7/10 @ 1:00 Pm Through Tuesday 7/14. Will Resume Advising Wednesday 7/15 In Suite 1121 Bps.
The Psychology Office of Undergraduate Studies will be moving to its newly renovated space in Suite 1121 of the Biology-Psychology Building beginning Friday, July 10 through Tuesday, July 14. Due to the move, OUS Advising will be closed to visitors on...
Catch Up Or Get Ahead! Register For A Winter 2016 Psyc Course Today!
The Department of Psychology has just released its list of courses that will be offered in the coming winter session. Visit the complete schedule of classes for details and the Winter Term page to enroll. ONLINE The Psychology of Unethical Conduct...
Don't Miss The 2nd Annual Psychology Major Picnic!
ATTENTION ALL PSYC MAJORS! On behalf of the Department of Psychology, Psi Chi presents… The 2nd Annual Psychology Student Picnic! What: our student picnic is to recognize our graduating psychology majors. Date: Thursday, May 3, 2012 Time: 3:30PM...
Add Some Class To Your Fun In The Sun This Summer! Take A Psyc Summer Term Course!
A forecast of bright and sunny course offerings awaits you for the 2012 Summer Term. This is a great time to take a course to get ahead or complete a PSYC major requirement in a few short weeks. Check out the list of PSYC courses being offered during...