MachinesLikeUs is a new website about artificial intelligence, evolution, cognition and related topics. It features a news blog, book reviews, links, user forum, and informative profiles (links, quotes, bios) of scientists such as Jeff Hawkins, Stephen Pinker, Gerald Edelman, Susan Pockett, and many more.
MachinesLikeUs is especially notable as it both collects and commissions original articles. The editor, Norm, is always on the lookout for new, thoughtful work and welcomes your submissions.
"MachinesLikeUs is important to me because although there are many competent (and some brilliant) individuals working on human cognition and artificial intelligence, they are often quite isolated from one another. With the site, I hope to provide a kind of meeting ground for these various efforts, and present them in an attractive manner to the public."
So far he's succeeding admirably.
Tags: AI cognitive science evolution
Gerald Edelman's neural Darwinism applied to the moral debate surrounding the use of embryonic stem cells. "This Nobel prize-winning scientist says he has discovered how human souls are made." Edelman interviewed in Discover magazine. The psychology...
A New Company to Focus on Artificial Intelligence By JOHN MARKOFF The New York Times Published: March 24, 2005 SAN FRANCISCO, March 23 - The technologist and the marketing executive who co-founded Palm Computing in 1992 are starting a new company that...
Mind & Brain Portal, From Wikipedia
Wikipedia may be controversial, but that's because some stuff is good & some stuff is, well, not reliable. That said, the Mind & Brain Portal (which I found through Sci Am Mind) is "an interdisciplinary point of entry to such related fields as the...
A New Company To Focus On Artificial Intelligence
March 24, 2005 Technology: A New Company to Focus on Artificial Intelligence New York Times By JOHN MARKOFF The technologist and the marketing executive who co-founded Palm Computing are starting a new company to license software technologies based on...
Give Your Future Grad School Applications A Boost! Publish Your Research In The Yale Review Of Undergraduate Research In Psychology!
Description:The Yale Review of Undergraduate Research in Psychology welcomes submissions by undergraduates of their original research articles, literature reviews, and other scientific writing in the field of psychology. The Yale Review of Undergraduate...