Looking for a National Leadership Experience? Become an APSSC Campus Representative today!

Looking for a National Leadership Experience? Become an APSSC Campus Representative today!

The North East Region of the Association for Psychological Science Student Caucus (APSSC) is seeking students to serve as campus representatives. The mission of the APSSC Campus Representative Program is to increase communication between students and the APS/APSSC. Gain invaluable leadership skills, build your curriculum vitae, and network with students from other universities as an APSSC Campus Representative while representing the Maryland community!

To apply for an APSSC Campus Representative position go to:

To learn more about  the APS Student Caucus go to:

If you have any questions regarding the Campus Representative Program, please contact:

Michelle Patriquin
APSSC Membership and Volunteers Officer
[email protected]

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