Links for Vision Therapy

Links for Vision Therapy

If you're interested in learning more about vision therapy, behavioral optometry, or developmental optometry (in reference to my post about Stereo Sue and my eye doctor), here are some links which will provide additional information.

First, according to my eye doctor, find a doctor who can provide a good diagnosis of your vision problem and provide a customized vision therapy plan. Ophthalmologists do not practice vision therapy, and neither do many optometrists. Behavioral/developmental optometrists are trained in optometric vision therapy, and most are members of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD). You can search for a Fellow of COVD, ie a doctor with FCOVD listed after his or her name, at the COVD site.

The following sites are part of the Optometrists Network:

Other sites:

Hope that helps!

- Artificial Eyesight
New device allows woman to see, even without eyes (recent local TV report) Futuristic System Brings Vision To Blind (2002, ScienceDaily) The visual quality seems rather low, but it's still a promising approach. A glasses-mounted camera transmits...

- About Vision Therapy, Ii
I get so many hits on my blog for vision therapy, mostly looking for material about Stereo Sue, so I take it for granted that all of my visitors know what vision therapy is. Bad librarian! It's hard to find a good definition online of vision therapy...

- Vision Therapy, A Personal Perspective
My vision buddy Heather has just started blogging about her experiences with vision therapy. She calls it "One Eyed Girl - My Life with Strabismus: [a] Journal of living with monocular vision and learning through Vision Therapy to use both eyes." I went...

- Scholarly Research On Vision Therapy
There's not much scholarly material about vision therapy, but here are links to searches in PubMed on related topics: convergence insufficiency, including a 2005 article entitled " A randomized clinical trial of treatments for convergence insufficiency...

- Stereo Sue And Me
My eye doctor was interviewed by Oliver Sacks last year! He wrote about her in the New Yorker! (that's about as close as I'll come to being published in the New Yorker, so I'm rather excited). Here's the deal: Dr. Theresa Ruggiero prescribed...

