Link feast
In case you missed them: 10 of the best psychology links from the past week:
1. "This study is about psychology, and should not have involved an MRI scanner," the excellent Neuroskeptic blog makes the case that a brain imaging study into people's reactions to strabismus would have been much better off without the brain imaging.
2. Why do identical twins end up having such different lives?
3. Keith Laws, Professor of Cognitive Neuropsychology, wrote a provocative blog post on the problems with the case formulation approach favoured by many clinical psychologists: "It is artistry linked to short, it is anti-science..."
4. The surprising psychology of how names shape our thoughts (more from the Digest archive).
5. "There’s Nothing Cathartic About Expressing Anger"
6. Two new books with a very different take on psychiatry, reviewed together by Bryan Appleyard for The Sunday Times: Our Necessary Shadow: The Nature and Meaning of Psychiatry by Tom Burns; Cracked: Why Psychiatry is Doing More Harm than Good by James Davies.
7. What happened when students, post docs and neuroscientsts were asked to draw a neuron?
8. Photographic portraits of New York therapy rooms.
9. Interesting insights into the consequences of making too little or too much eye contact.
10. Many psychologists are among over 70 signatories calling for registered reports to become an accepted journal format across the life sciences. Following this format, papers are accepted before the results are in, based on the proposed methodology and research question. The hope is that this will increase the publication of negative results and reduce questionable research practices.
Looking ahead: the Cheltenham Science Festival continues this weekend with several sessions on psychology and neuroscience.
Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.
Link Feast
In case you missed them, 10 of the best psychology and neuroscience links from the past week: Steve Pinker wrote a magisterial essay this week on why science, including psychology and neuroscience, is not the enemy of the humanities. "This is an extraordinary...
Link Feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. What an inspiration - Neuropsychologist Brenda Milner, aged 94 and still making new research discoveries about the human brain. 2. More than 40,000 people are likely...
Link Feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. Fifteen psychology experts share their best productivity tips. 2. Last night, BBC Two's Horizon broadcast "The Creative Brain: How Insight Works" (more on creativity...
Link Feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. Obama is planning to spend $billions mapping the human brain, reported the New York Times this week. Science mag provided some more details. What do the experts think?...
Our round-up of the latest and best psych and neuro links: This Saturday it's a family fun day - Meet Your Brain - at the Royal Institution in London. A masterful, moving long-form essay and love story about the use of virtual reality to treat burns...