Link feast

Link feast

Our pick of the best psychology and neuroscience links from the past week

Is It Time To Redraw the Map of the Brain?
Neuroskeptic reports on an important paper that questions the way the localisation of neural function is inferred from from the study of brain-damaged patients.

The Science of the Mind
This week's edition of Start the Week on BBC Radio 4 was focused on whether neuroscience is changing our self-understanding.

No logic in King’s College job cuts
Dorothy Bishop with sharp criticism of the planned staff cuts at the Institute of Psychiatry.

The Facebook Furore
The Psychologist magazine with an overview of the findings and fallout from the Facebook study (see also).

Hallucinogenic nights
"Sleep paralysis has tormented me since childhood," writes Karen Emslie. "But now it’s my portal to out-of-body travel and lucid dreams."

Hypnosis: The day my mind was 'possessed'
David Robson subjects himself to hypnosis, to better understand how researchers are using the technique to simulate psychiatric disorders in healthy people (see also).

The Myth of the Strong Leader
Richard Reeves reviews the new book by Archie Brown.

Overprescribing antidepressants: where’s the evidence?
Margaret McCartney wonders if the media has overblown this story.

The Trauma of Parenthood
"... among new parents — three to six months postpartum — 42 percent of mothers and 26 percent of fathers exhibit signs of clinical depression."

Who Won the World Cup of Arm-Folding?
And finally ... an amusing analysis of the body language of the world's best footballers.

Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.

- Link Feast
Our editor's pick of the week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: How Reliable Are Psychology Studies? [short of time? check out our coverage of this story] Findings from the Reproducibility Project have sent shockwaves through psychology....

- Link Feast
Our pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: The Monster Mind Enlisting the help of Godzilla and a few of its friends, Jonathan Myers (writing at The Psychologist magazine) considers why we see monsters and what form they take....

- Link Feast
Our pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: The Man Who Couldn't Stop Giving What a Brazilian man's pathological generosity says about the biological roots of philanthropy
. What Can We Learn From Reading Online Reviews?...

- Link Feast
Our pick of the best psychology and neuroscience links from the past week or so: Listen To Your Heart Our new Valentine's-themed podcast, plus loads more Valentine links and resources from The Psychologist magazine and our own archive. The Surprising...

- Link Feast
Our pick of the best psychology and neuroscience links from the past week: Why Psychologists’ Food Fight Matters Michelle Meyer and Christopher Chabris with an in-depth overview of the recent rows and controversies about replication in psychology. Psychology...

