Link feast

Link feast

Our pick of the best psychology and neuroscience links from the past week or so:

Perhaps My Oxytocin Was Low When I Read This Paper
Stats whizz Professor Andy Field turns his expert eye to the results of a high-profile paper that found the hormone oxytocin increases trust. His own analysis - "there is not really a lot of evidence that oxytocin affected trust."

60 Free Journal Articles on Parapsychology
Courtesy of Taylor and Francis / Psychology Press (free access until the end of the year).

The Most Dangerous Idea in Mental Health
At the Pacific Standard Ed Cara argues that although recovered memory therapy has faded from public view, it's never really gone away.

Re-examining Ellen Langer’s Classic Study of Giving Plants to Nursing Home Residents
Health psychologist Professor James Coyne takes a sceptical look at Langer's classic study and the recent claims she's made in the media about using the power of the mind to heal the body.

What Neuro-revolution? The Public Find Brain Science Irrelevant and Anxiety-provoking
Neuroscience seems like a hot topic, but a series of interviews with members of the British public finds that they see brain science as largely irrelevant to their lives.

Is The Sexist Scientific Workplace Really Dead?
A forthcoming study claims to have found that there is no sexism in academia. Athene Donald at The Guardian challenges this conclusion.

An Etymological Map of the Brain
Neuroskeptic shows us the original meanings of the obscure technical names of brain parts.

Why Do Obese Women Earn Less Than Thin Women (and Obese Men)?
Virginia Hughes presents evidence suggesting that obese women are discriminated against in the workplace and discusses why this might be.

Broken Sleep
"People once woke up halfway through the night to think, write or make love," writes Karen Emslie at Aeon magazine. "What have we lost by sleeping straight through?"

Ten Tips for a Better Work-life Balance
Learn to say "No" and nine more pointers from The Guardian.

Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest. 

- Link Feast
Our editor's pick of the week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: Out of this world A special feature from The Psychologist magazine on aliens and space travel, including an interview with Douglas Vakoch, clinical psychologist and Director...

- Link Feast
Our pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: Autistic Traits Aren’t Linked To Brain Anatomy? Neuroskeptic (a previous Digest guest blogger) looks at a new study that failed to find correlations in healthy people between...

- Link Feast
Our pick of the best psychology and neuroscience links from the past week or so: Why are men more likely than women to take their own lives? In the Guardian, Daniel Freeman and Jason Freeman argue that suicide prevention programmes need to take sex...

- Link Feast
Our pick of the best psychology and neuroscience links from the past week or so: Winter Is a Black Hole: How I Deal With Seasonal Depression "Seasonal depression hits for me, like clockwork, the day after Halloween" - writes Dayner Evans at

- Feast
Tuck into our round-up of the latest psych and neuro news: In the wake of the recent social psychology scandals (see earlier Feasts), UK psychologist Chris Chambers offered a 12-step plan for improving practices in psychology research. The technique...

