Link feast
Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links:
Take an Interactive Look Inside an Anxious Brain with Neurotic Neurons
Boing Boing reports on an interactive work by Nicky Case that explores the neuroscience of anxiety, and particularly the theory of Hebbian learning, wherein "neurons that fire together, wire together".
Nobody Cares How Hard You Work
It’s dangerously easy, writes Oliver Burkeman at
99U, to feel as though a 10-hour day spent plowing through your inbox was much more worthwhile than two hours spent in deep concentration on hard thinking, followed by a leisurely afternoon off. Yet any writer, designer or web developer will tell you it’s the two focused hours that pay most—both in terms of money and fulfillment.
A Short History of Empathy
The term’s only been around for about a century, says Susan Lanzoni at
The Atlantic—but over the course of its existence, its meaning has continually changed.
The Latest Self-Help Advice? “F*ck Feelings”
Daniel Akst reviews a new self-help book for
Acculturated. There isn't much new, he says, but nonetheless, the book's message that that your feelings don't serve you particularly well is likely to benefit the average reader.
Has the Age of Neuromarketing Finally Arrived?
I reported on a pair of exciting new studies for
New York's Science of Us. Get ready for debates about what is and isn’t an appropriate use of an fMRI machine.
How Attitudes to Autism Have Radically Changed (audio)
The latest episode of
The Guardian's Science Weekly podcast features Steve Silberman, whose new book
Neurotribes charts the evolution of autism, from its origins in the shadows of the second world war, up to the current campaign to reframe autism as something to be accepted and accommodated, rather than eradicated.
No, Scientists Have Not Found the ‘Gay Gene’
The media is hyping a study that doesn’t do what it says it does, says Ed Yong at
The Atlantic.
Harvard Neuroscience Blog
A group of neuroscience grad students at Harvard have started a new blog.
Dinosaurs in the Workplace
The Psychologist, Andrew Clements provides an organisational psychology perspective on the blockbuster film Jurassic World.
Will You Ever Be Able to Upload Your Brain?
Neuroscientist Kenneth Miller explains in the
New York Times why the answer, at least for the foreseeable future, is No.
Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.
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Link Feast
Our editor's pick of the 10 best psychology and neuroscience links from the last week or so: Replication: Is the glass half full, half empty, or irrelevant? Is psychology research in crisis or not? The question is back on the agenda thanks to a new...
Link Feast
Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: The Psychologist Guide To… You and Your BabySimple evidence-based tips for those first few months, from Ella Rhodes at The Psychologist magazine (also check out...
Link Feast
Our editor's pick of the week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: Out of this world A special feature from The Psychologist magazine on aliens and space travel, including an interview with Douglas Vakoch, clinical psychologist and Director...
Link Feast
We trawled the web for this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: Where is Psychology's Non-stick Frying Pan? In a letter to The Psychologist, Phil Banyard bemoans psychology's lack of headline discoveries and transformational...
Our round-up of the latest juicy tit-bits from the world of psychology: The Greenfield saga continues. Recall that Baroness Susan Greenfield recently restated to New Scientist her fears that technology is harming children's brains, and that Professor...